This website was archived on November 14, 2013 and is no longer updated.

Pascal Aubrée
FRCIVAM Bretagne
17, rue du bas Village
35577 Cesson Sévigné cedex
Tel.: +33 2 99 77 39 20
Fax: +33 2 23 30 15 75
E-Mail: pascal.aubree(at)

Direct sales Brin d'Herbe in Rennes, France


  • Country: Rennes, France
  • Foodlinks theme: Short Food Supply Chains
  • Year started: 1990

Targets & measures

Brin d'Herbe shop
Picture of shop

Brin d’Herbe is a group of 20 farmers near Rennes, France, who have been selling farmhouse and organic products in two stores on the outskirts of Rennes for twenty years. The main products are meat (60 percent of the turnover), fruit & vegetables, bakery and dairy products, cheeses, eggs, honey, and cider. They have about 1000 consumers per week. The shop opens three days a week. The turnover is 1.5 million Euros per year.

To run the shop, farmers are organized in a specific form of association that allows them to maintain their identity and operational autonomy vis a vis consumers, and at the same time to define a common space of coordination. This aspect is also a regulatory requirement, as in this way the shop can be classified as a „direct selling“ activity. The legal status of the organisation is a "GIE = Groupement d'Interet Economique" (economic interest group). In addition, Brin d'Herbe runs a cooperation with limited liability, which enables them to carry out retail activities.

Interaction and knowledge brokering activities

The group is member of the FRCIVAM network.

"Centres d’Initiatives pour Valoriser l’Agriculture et le Milieu rural" (CIVAM) are associations of farmers and rural people gathered around a collective project; FRCIVAM  are the regional federations of the CIVAM.

Born in the 1950s, the CIVAM movement is built on the values of secularism and promoting equality of opportunity for all by the dissemination of knowledge. It is a popular education movement focused on current societal issues. The purpose of the movement is capacity building of farmers and rural people to maintain a living countryside and enable sustainable development and solidarity.


Brin d'Herbe was initiated by farmers.

More Information


Favourable tax regime


Foodlinks contact

Pascal Aubrée, FRCIVAM Bretagne, France

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